

Kshamata is one of the few organizations in the region of Mumbai which actively supports rescued women after being homeless or being freed from forced prostitution. These women are provided shelter in centers where they become involved in therapeutic activities and earn money for themselves. After approximately six months these women move to shared independent housing where they proceed their education, training or work.

In their relatively short existence, Khsamata has supported a large number of girls and women both in their own centre and in government houses. Kshamata’s way of working has now led to a first group of young self-confident women who are themselves supporting girls in the government houses.

Since 2014, Stichting OOBW has supported this unique initiative.  This project fits very well with the aim of OOBW; all the needed expertise is available with the Kshamata team, but financial support is very welcome.

Amcha Ghar

Amcha Ghar

In Uttan, many girls have a parent that works  all day (and often all night), leaving the girls to fend for themselves. Amcha Char was started by a team of committed social workers who wanted to support these helpless girls exposed to the risks of living on the street. They started the house with 3 girls in 1996 and now 25 girls are living in the house.

Amcha Ghar—‘our home’ provides English education, medical attention, recreation and spiritual facilities for the girls living in the house but also for approximately 600 other unprivileged girls at an affiliated school.

Stichting OOBW is proud to support this unique initiative. We are very impressed by the way the team supports the girls. The house is crowded but very lively and you can see that the girls have a happy life there.

About OO&BW:

Stichting tot Ondersteuning van Onderwijs en de Bevordering van Weerbaarheid is dedicated to granting access to education and supporting the livelihoods of individuals and groups in desperate conditions.


Stichting OOBW is officially designated to be a Public Benefit Organisation by the Dutch Government. For online donations, CLICK HERE 


Grebberstraat 48
2021ZB Haarlem

The Netherlands
