

Stichting OOBW is committed to granting disadvantaged individuals and groups access to education and stimulating their resilience in desperate conditions.

In many developing areas of the world, people’s lives revolve solely around survival. Large numbers of children grow up in an environment where access to education is not self-evident, and many minorities have fewer opportunities for proper education because of their origin. In addition, other people fall victim to illegal practices such as child labour and human trafficking.

All around the world we see inspiring initiatives which aim to aid these groups and improve their prospects. As a result, there is a lot of contextual knowledge, commitment and manpower at the local level to promote better living conditions for these vulnerable groups. However, these projects often lack the financial means and experience in humanitarian aid to fully capitalize on the potential their programs provide.

Therefore, Stichting OOBW aims to support these projects with exactly these means to help them achieve their valuable objectives.  More info can be found in our annual report and our financial report (in Dutch).

Read more about our projects

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About OO&BW:

Stichting tot Ondersteuning van Onderwijs en de Bevordering van Weerbaarheid is dedicated to granting access to education and supporting the livelihoods of individuals and groups in desperate conditions.


Stichting OOBW is officially designated to be a Public Benefit Organisation by the Dutch Government. For online donations, CLICK HERE 


Grebberstraat 48
2021ZB Haarlem

The Netherlands
